Rishikesh, India
Kundalini Yoga Retreat 2023
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an abode close to nature and tranquility in a meditation retreat

21 Days Retreat Kundalini Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh

Real Happiness offers you the Kundalini retreat India in the blissful ambience of the Himalayan foothills. Moreover, the program is one of the most well-curated retreat programs, that you may have found in a while. There must be something about the 21-day psychic programming, that makes this figure so special. It is a sort of habit-forming ritual, for those who know about the power of Kundalini yoga.

The focus of the program is on the holistic nurturing of the individual, who has already stepped inside the boundaries of the holistic realm. The Kundalini Yoga Retreat in India is a comprehensive program for intermediate and advanced yogis.


What is 21 days Kundalini Yoga Retreats

The Kundalini Yoga Retreat in India gives you the opportunity to live in the ashram environment and understand more about the ancient science. Life at the ashram emulates that of the yogis, in simplicity. Moreover, you will be adopting a sattvic lifestyle as a part of the program, where fruits, vegetables, and light ingredients, will go into your meals. The program will also help you with a digital detox, while taking you miles away from the daily mundane chores, which may be making you claustrophobic, back home.

Your journey will comprise deep contemplation and you will also undergo thorough internal cleansing, through kriyas. Deepen your Kundalini yoga journey, with more advanced asanas and pranayama. The best part about the retreat program at Real Happiness, is that you will get personalized attention in the class. Furthermore, you may come across some new aspects, which you may have overlooked before. Additionally, you also get the opportunity to explore the mountains and surrounding natural beauty.


Benefits of Kundalini Yoga Retreat

The Kundalini Yoga Retreat in India gives you the opportunity to live in the ashram environment and understand more about the ancient science. Life at the ashram emulates that of the yogis, in simplicity. Moreover, you will be adopting a sattvic lifestyle as a part of the program, where fruits, vegetables, and light ingredients, will go into your meals. The program will also help you with a digital detox, while taking you miles away from the daily mundane chores, which may be making you claustrophobic, back home. Your journey will comprise deep contemplation and you will also undergo thorough internal cleansing, through kriyas. Deepen your Kundalini yoga journey, with more advanced asanas and pranayama. The best part about the retreat program at Real Happiness, is that you will get personalized attention in the class. Furthermore, you may come across some new aspects, which you may have overlooked before. Additionally, you also get the opportunity to explore the mountains and surrounding natural beauty.

21 Days Kundalini Yoga Retreats in India

mindfulness meditation

Chakra Healing

Chakras hold an important position, when you talk about Kundalini Yoga. It is the highest form of spiritual practice, in which you get to heal the blocked chakras. The shakti rises up the chakras, while dissolving all the impurities on the way.

om meditation

Kundalini as a Spiritual Science

Kundalini is one of the spiritual sciences, that hold a lot of importance in the yogic field. It is more clearly described as dormant energy, that lies at the base of the spine. When empowered, it can transcend several boundaries and gives you perfect bliss and enlightenment.

indian vedic meditation

Kundalini and Highest Intellectual

The Kundalini retreat India is built on the very idea that Kundalini energy causes various influxes in the brain. It is said to awaken the dormant and non-mechanical parts of the brain. Thus, you may experience the highest level of consciousness after you go through the process.


Kundalini and Spiritual Guru

Kundalini practice is esoteric in nature. That is the reason, why you need the guidance of a guru for initiation and awakening. Books cannot help you much in these aspects. You can gain spiritual prowess only with the blessings of a guru. So, the guru is very important in this domain.

Price USD 350 Duration 21 Days

Course Inclusion

  • 20 Nights & 21 Days Accommodation
  • Daily Yogic Food & Tea/Juices
  • Various Meditation Techniques Study
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Daily Pranayama Class
  • Daily Mantra Chanting Session
  • Explore Indian Culture
  • Hiking to Waterfall Visit
  • Local Sightseeing
  • Hiking/Ancient Temple Visit
  • Stay in Peaceful Place
  • Meditation Session on the Banks of River Ganga

Syllabus, Ability and Dates

The main syllabus of meditation retreats is meditation theory classes to understand basic meditation, the benefits of meditation, pranayama, shatkarma (body cleansing), understand the science of Kundalini and its energy, Indian Meditation Philosophy, outdoor activities such as natural waterfall visits to understand the healing of nature, village visit to explore culture, trekking-hiking to mountains, outdoor classes and much more.

The ability we need for the course is your great interest, carefully listening and understanding, no argument attitude, no ego, just accepting nature creations and flowing with life easily.

Kundalini Retreat Dates 2023 - 2024

01 March - 24 March 2023
01 April - 24 April 2023
01 May - 24 May 2023
01 June - 24 June 2023
01 July - 24 July 2023
01 August - 24 August 2023
01 September - 24 September 2023
01 October - 24 October 2023
01 November - 24 November 2023
01 December - 24 December 2023
01 January - 24 January 2024
01 February - 24 February 2024

Daily Schedule

06:00 AM - 07:00 AM

Kundalini Sadhana

07:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Kundalini Prana Kriya & Herbal Detox

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Kundalini Asanas

09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Yogic Breakfast

11:00 AM To 12:00 AM

Kundalini Anatomy and Physiology

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Kundalini Chakra Alignment and Adjustment/Teaching Methodology and practice

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Lunch (Yogic Meal)

02:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Self-Study and observation

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Kundalini Tantra Philosophy

04:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Organic Tea

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Kundalini Nada Yoga

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Kundalini Meditation & Mantra

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Dinner (Yogic Meal)

09:30 PM onwards


Key Points

  • Active Level Meditation
  • Kundalini and Brain
  • Methods of Awakening
  • Preparation of Kundalini Awakening
  • Diet of Kundalini Awakening
  • Descent of Kundalini
  • Path of Kriya Yoga
  • Introduction to the Chakra
  • Expreience of Awakening
  • The Philosophy of Kundalini
  • Mindfulness Meditation of Kundalini
  • Chakra Meditation on Kundalini
  • Breathing Technique on Kundalini
  • Introduction to the Ancient text of Kundalini
  • Teaching Methodology on Kundalini Practice
  • The mantra of Meditation on Chakra

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